Why pay to purchase materials and pay to throw them away when you could turn waste into a new source of revenue? Developing a zero-waste business model, including a recyclables-to market program, is a great way to generate entirely new sources of revenue. Business owners and managers have a couple of good reasons to consider it.

First, California’s government in 2012 set a 50 percent recycling mandate applying to all businesses and jurisdictions. The state government’s 2020 goal is 75 percent. Businesses are searching for opportunities that make it possible to comply with the recycling mandate without negatively impacting the bottom line.

Second, businesses sending their waste to the landfill are missing an opportunity to reduce costs. The average California landfill tipping fee is $54/ton, per current CalRecycle data. (Nearby state averages come in at similar rates or higher – $55/ton in Oregon and $70/ton in Washington.) That’s just the cost of dumping your waste. Add in the costs of pickup and transportation, and you’re looking at a hefty bill. That’s why it makes sense to sell your waste.

Environmentalism is not just a feel-good notion, but a potential source of profit for businesses. Creating a sustainable recycling program to generate revenue requires leadership and expertise in the industry. Here are some tips to get your business started:

  • It’s all about data, data, data. We will help you by taking a close look at your operation, goals, and materials to identify which waste is your best asset. Our team of experts at Berg Mill Supply Co. will help you determine the most efficient means of disposal, based on how much you want to make and how much energy you’re willing to devote to making those marginal dollars.
  • Engage your employees as part of the solution. Employees are the backbone of any effective recycling program, as they are regularly engaging in day-to-day activities. Developing worker awareness through proper training and boosting morale through inclusion will ensure your waste is treated like the valuable commodity it is.

Berg Mill Supply has decades of experience in material characterization, traditional and niche material marketing, and recycling program management. We’re an advocate for waste generators – we’ll evaluate your operation to find the most efficient program for your business. Why start from scratch when there’s a team of recycling industry experts prepared to develop, implement, and coordinate a profitable waste strategy for your business? Contact us to convert your waste stream into marketable commodities.

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