Monthly Archives: September 2017

Hurricane Irma Disrupts Pulp And Paper Production

This year’s hurricane season has surpassed a number of natural disaster records, including damage-related and economic costs. Damages caused by Hurricane Harvey have been estimated anywhere from $65 billion to $190 billion, while Irma is thought to have caused $50 billion to $100 billion in destruction.   To put this into perspective, Harvey and Irma…
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China Speaks Up About U.S. Waste Exports

Every year, the U.S. capitalizes on the $5 billion recycling business created through their disposal of waste exported to China in shipping containers. We recently blogged about China’s ambiguous notifications to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on July 18th and have more information to answer our questions regarding import bans. U.S. recyclers have been anxiously…
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China Offers More Clues Regarding Import Bans

Since China’s initial notification to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on July 18th of this year, Chinese authorities have continued to drop hints as to specific material grades slated for rejection. Though agency hints remain rather nebulous, we now believe we have more information that may help the US recycling industry and exporters prepare for…
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