While everyone knows that the coronavirus pandemic is sure to have a lasting effect on both global health and the economy, most do not think about the importance of recycling during this time. The waste and recycling industry was quickly deemed an essential service because of the importance of properly handling waste in a manner that doesn’t further spread the virus. It was later that people realized how essential the supply of recyclable raw materials to mills was, especially while the demand for items such as cardboard shipping boxes and toilet paper had risen.

Through this whole pandemic, Berg Mill has continued to operate and keep recyclable materials shipping from the generators to mills.  Berg Mill transitioned its staff to remote working in 2019 as part of its strategic plan. The value of that strategy was readily apparent this year, as the team has continued to function through the pandemic and civil unrest.


Not only has the company continued to process orders, but it also continues to provide the valued added services for which it is known.  As your business environment changes in response the COVID-19, Berg Mill is ready and able to help you adapt to the new realities. We can help you no matter the business type:  MRFs, Distribution Center/Commercial Production, or any other business that needs assistance with their recycling program.


MRF Assistance


We are providing additional assistance to your MRF (Material Recovery Facility) by helping you work through material recovery processes which include:

  • New and ever-changing standards presented by the coronavirus
  • Changing inbound stream due to lower commercial generation coupled with increased but changed residential generation
  • Quality control in the age of social distancing
  • Managing inventory as coronavirus related issues close ports overseas
  • Automation to provide consistent sorting, as the availability of staffing is low



Distribution Centers / Commercial Production Sites


Distribution Centers and other production sites rely on their recycling providers more than ever with current increased volumes of recyclables. Berg Mill Supply provides assistance to sites through:


  • Program design to reduce risks related to COVID-19
  • Onsite representation by our staff
  • Logistics support to keep your material moving out as it is generated
  • Waste handling and equipment financing


Structuring workflow during these times can be difficult, which is why automating functions is a helpful solution. Automating processes at distribution centers or commercial production sites allows for a healthier working environment and safe handling of materials. Businesses that seek safe handling of excess recyclable waste after the manufacturing of a finished product may benefit from this approach. For further assistance with administering an automated workplace, visit our consulting page and get in contact with us.




Consulting with the professionals at Berg Mill Supply will allow your business to get through these tough times and thrive well into the future. We can help with specific COVID related issues or look at your recycling program in general and ask questions like:


  1. Where are the bottle-necks that need to be addressed?
  2. Where can costs be taken out or revenue increased?
  3. How can cash flow be improved?
  4. How can quality be improved?


We can provide consulting as part of a Materials Purchase Agreement or as stand-alone consulting services. You may request a quote by calling (866) 333-BERG or by visiting our website.


Berg Mill Supply Co., Inc. will continue to stay on top of COVID-19 news in relation to the latest trends in the recycling industry as well as continue the ongoing movement of materials. Berg Mill has a long history as one of the pioneers in the industry, and we are here to help you navigate through all the current changes. If you handle large amounts of recycled waste and are looking for solutions, please contact our industry veterans at Berg Mill Supply via our website or phone at 866-333-BERG. Talk to us about purchasing all your scrap paper, plastic, metal, textiles, glass grades, e-waste, and any other materials.  Make sure to check out our new consulting department as well to help you navigate through any challenges you might have.